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The absolute classic that is Broken Sword 2 from Revolution Software just got a big surprise update, which should make it work a lot better in modern systems and the Steam Deck too!
The Wandering Village from Stray Fawn Studio, a game about building a village on the back of a massive moving creature has just entered Early Access with Native Linux support.
This is a bit of a double event. Not only has the Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine fheroes2 seen a new release, but a surprise update of VCMI for Heroes of Might and Magic III was also released.
Kitsune Zero is a new platformer that comes as a DLC for the free game Super Bernie World on Steam or as a standalone on It's acting as the prequel to an upcoming game called Kitsune Tails.
A mixture of strategy and puzzling elements together, Xenospore is a currently free game about defending humanity by prevent a strange alien organism from spreading too far.
Crusader Kings III has a big free update out now, plus the Crusader Kings III: Friends & Foes event pack is out now. You can also try the game free this weekend.
Re-Volt is a retro delight from the year 1999 that originally came to GOG in 2013. Sadly it was pulled from sale when it was found to contain code written by the community, that the release did not have permission to use. Now it's back and on Steam too.
Valve has put out an update for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive that not only makes it startup faster but improves Steam Input handling on Steam Deck too.
Paper Animal RPG is a rather cute looking upcoming game. Currently in development from Cuddling Raccoons Studio it's a mixture of exploration, dungeon crawling, combat and a little relaxation by the campfire too.
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow is an upcoming folk horror narrative-driven point and click adventure, with a really great mixture of animated pixel-art and Native Linux support.